Not sure how but somehow I seemed to miss what Post tab, check Post JPEGs, check Maintain a ring of [some number], check preserve time order actually does. The default seems to be checked though I notice it is unchecked on some of my cams which I guess is why I had not noticed that when checked it renames all the posts in the ring so the newest is 000. Similar to log file rings if you are familiar. Now this is great if you want to use the 000 image on a web page or app to show the latest and only keeping a few. Not so great if your ring is a larger number like 10K or you are, as I was just trying to do, generate a time lapse from them. Since the file names keep changing it gets messy real fast. Especially if you are trying to save off some before they cycle off and then add the newer ones. I saw names changing mid copy for instance. Even worse if you are syncing those images to the cloud since it is not only having to process uploads but name changes. Assuming you upload app even recognizes name changes of course and is not reuploading each file multiple times. Not sure what CPU load this having but considering I have some rings set to 10K on servers that are about max safe CPU it is probably not insignificant.
So make sure "preserve time order" is unchecked unless you really need that image order.
While here you might want to think about "Also post No Signal images". Again checking this might make sense for a local display of the latest image but in most cases it is a waste of resources.